Club Volunteering
Available NVDTC jobs/positions shown below.
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Manage NVDTC website now powered by WordPress/Elementor as follows:
- Maintain the NVDTC website by updating information related to classes and registration.
- Edit individual pages as needed to keep current with club information and norms.
- Upload current documents such as newsletters, bylaws, guidelines and procedures, etc.
- Maintain/manage directory of administrative documents.
- FTP, HTML and WordPress/Elementor knowledge helpful.
- Keep web hosting and domain registrations (,,, and current/paid up for NVDTC.
- Set up custom emails through web host company as needed.
- Maintain separate databases of first name, last name, and email for members, instructors, assistants, and past/current students who are not current members. Include additional categories like phone numbers as needed.
- Update the member database from membership lists provided by the person in charge of membership.
- Update student database at end of each session from class evaluation forms (when available) and from Training Class Applications.
- Send out announcements via emails (from appropriate database list) as requested by parties listed below.
- President
- Newsletter
- Board
- Training Chair
- Membership Chair
- Or any other party needing to send out announcements